Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I wrote a book!

A little while ago, I cryptically mentioned a project I was working on - well here's the big reveal:

I've always had a dream of someday writing a book of some sort. When my Literacy Methods class made an assignment of it (specifically: "write a children's book"), I decided to take it really, really seriously. In spite of the demands of the semester, I ended up investing probably 50 hours on this. And I'm actually really proud of it.

(Note to prospective TEP students - this was NOT necessary. We were basically graded on completion rather than quality, so most people didn't put nearly as much time into it as I did. That's not to say that there weren't some spectacular books in there - I actually really, really loved some of the books made by my classmates. It was a great assignment. We ended our semester with a book-sharing party, with our Penn Mentors and professors invited as well!)

As you can see above, mine was called The Normal Book. I tried to combine some of my personal thoughts with some of the things we had discussed in both my Literacy class and the Literature for Children and Adolescents class I took in the summer. So, from Literature, I took inspiration to [academic language advisory] slot it into the genre of postmodern children's literature, framing the book as essentially a metatextual deconstruction of cliched storybook conventions and phrasing, with an emphasis on page-turns as narrative device [I'm almost positive I know what all of those words and phrases meant]. From Literacy, I took a focus on welcoming diverse voices and on literature to promote particular writing lessons. And then I used a ton of colored paper and knives and Photoshop.

And I have to say, I'm pretty proud of the results!

I got it printed through Shutterfly, but I gave that copy away and had another printed at Walgreens. I've gotten some really positive responses, so I'm thinking of continuing to work on it. Anybody know anything about publishing?

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